Indriya Buddhism


Indriya (pāli; Sanskrit, devanāgarī: इन्द्रिय; Japanese: kon) means "faculty. "1 In Buddhism, the abhidhamma list twenty-two faculties, which refer to both physical and mental faculties.

In Hinduism, some schools of Indian āstika philosophy list ten faculties related to perception and action, which in Samkhya philosophy are among the twenty-five essential principles (tattva).

In Hinduism


In Kapila's Sāṃkhya doctrine, there are eleven faculties of perception (indriya) expounded in the Sāṃkhya Kārikā2 composed by Īśvarakṛṣṇa3. These are divided into two groups, one of which consists of five jñānendriya or buddhīndriya and the other of five karmendriya.

These ten indriya to which manas is attached are part of the twenty-five principles (tattva) that underlie the philosophical system of the Sāṃkhya. These ten indriya4 are also called external organs5.

Kashmiri Shivaism

In Kashmir Shivaism, which is a philosophical school of Shivaism, there are thirty-six tattva in which the ten indriya of Sāṃkhya are included.

In Buddhism

In Buddhism, there are the following twenty-two faculties:

Six "sense faculties" or "six bases" (āyatana); these six faculties are an ability to perceive, but they are distinct from the sense organs (these faculties are included in the eighteen "elements," dhātu):

Ocular faculty;
Auricular faculty;
Nasal faculty ;
Lingual faculty ;
Tactile faculty ;
Mental faculty;

Vital faculty, Sanskrit: jīvitendriya ;
Two sexual faculties that distinguish the sexes, are related to enjoyment:
Female faculty, Sanskrit: strīndriya;
Male faculty, Sanskrit: puruṣendriya;

Five faculties associated with the trial of acts, the five sensations (vedanā):

Faculty of pleasure;
Faculty of pain;
Faculty of satisfaction;
Faculty of dissatisfaction;
Faculty of indifference;

Five faculties associated with the "worldly" virtues:

Faculty of faith, or conviction, Sanskrit: śraddhendriya ;
Faculty of vigor, Sanskrit: vīrindriya;
Faculty of attention, or alertness, Sanskrit: smrtīndriya;
Faculty of concentration, Sanskrit: samādhīndriya;
Faculty of wisdom, Sanskrit: prajñendriya;

Three pure faculties, associated with the "supramundane" virtues:

Faculty of access to knowledge, or faculty of knowing what is not yet known, Sanskrit: anājñātamājñāsyāmīndriya;
Faculty of supramundane knowledge, or faculty of knowing the Ultimate, Sanskrit: ājñendriya;
Faculty of certainty of having known everything, or faculty of knowing the Ultimate, Sanskrit: ajñātāvīndriya.

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